
Why ‘gscinparis’?

Why “gscinparis”? And why Art and Architecture, as well as Cultural Travel? When I was 17, a friend and I went to Europe for a high school graduation trip. We stayed in Stuttgart, Germany but went on cheap army bus tours to different European cities during our 3 week stay. We took an overnight bus to Paris, where we would stay for two nights. When I got off the bus that morning, I took a look around. Over a ham baguette sandwich while sitting by the Seine, I decided at that very moment that I would someday live in the City of Lights!

The Move to Paris

Almost 4 years to the day and two months after graduating from UCLA, I did it: I moved to Paris, France, having secured a long-term internship with a prestigious French firm. That internship led me to earn my Master’s in Business (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées) from the Université de Paris Dauphine. This led to an amazing full time job – living and working in Paris! 

And Then Back to So Cal

After 7 years in Paris, traveling around Europe, visiting all of the amazing Art and Architecture, it seemed like the right time to “go home”, so I made my way back to Southern California. I graduated from the Southern California Institute of Architecture with a Master’s in Architecture in 2016. 

A Blog is Born

As for the name “gscinparis“? When I moved to Paris all those years ago, the first thing I did was create a new email address with “gscinparis” in it – and I’ve used it ever since. Its what my family, friends and co-workers have always known me as. And voilà!  gscinparis is the combination of my love of Architecture and Design, Art, Cultural Travel, Food & Wine, a little fashion and a lot of Paris.

After years of living in Paris and traveling yearly to Europe, I can also help you craft the perfect trip to Paris, France and/or Europe:

First, sign up for my monthly newsletter for lots of info about places to see and things to do in Europe.

Next, please see my BOOK WITH ME page for more details.

Thank you for stopping by – I hope you enjoy reading about Architecture, One Story at a Time (SM)!

Eiffel Tower_France from Home

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young (wo)man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.

Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

architecture art and cultural travel

“…in all the world, there neither was nor would there ever be another place like this City of Angels. Here the American people were erupting, like lava from a volcano…”

Carey McWilliams, Southern California: An Island on the Land.