“The Flowers of Provence”

I’ve recommended to you Jamie Beck’s previous book, “An American in Provence” (2022) and this incredibly talented and prolific France-based American photographer is already out with her second gorgeous book, “The Flowers of Provence”.  In a world of fake images, art generated by Artificial Intelligence, and fast paced news cycles, her work is so refreshing. For one, it exudes an exquisite attention to detail, a rare sense of thoughtfulness and care and a genuine pride of work.  Second, it actually is beautiful, creative and moving art.  As someone who follows art and goes to many art museums, true beauty in art feels so hard to come by nowadays.  Her photos are grainy, deep, full of rich tones, with intense contrast between shadow and light.  Not only does the inspiration of her newly adopted region of Provence shine brightly in her work, but she also adopts the techniques of the old Dutch Masters of the late Renaissance.


"New York Times bestselling author and award-winning photographer Jamie Beck displays her stunning photography of the flowers of Southern France in this beautiful gift book."

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