Architecture & Art, Food & Drink, Paris, Travel

Behind the Scenes Paris Experience by GSC IN PARIS

As you wonderful readers know, I have a long, wonderful history with France, and Paris in particular! I lived there, I worked there, I speak the language. I’ve taught French and I sent my children to a French immersion school. I travel there yearly. What can I say, I’m passionate. 🇫🇷 Over the years, many people have encouraged me to lead a group there and show them true French culture. This has been a dream of mine.

PARIS 2024

This custom, behind the scenes Paris experience is happening in 2024. Are you interested in joining me? If so, please add your name to the wait list for updates, pricing and to secure your spot!

A Simple Poll

I’ve put together a super quick poll to get your feedback on this Paris experience. It’s just a few questions and it will really help me create the most amazing experience for my guests (hopefully, you are one of them!). Remember, as much as I love the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, there is so, so much more to Paris. Many times visitors miss the details while chasing that perfect shot in front of the Arc de Triomphe or in the Palace of Mirrors at Versailles. And what about true French food? How about that smaller art museum you might have missed while you were capturing that selfie in front of the Notre Dame? How about venturing out on an afternoon trip for some art and architecture you won’t see anywhere else?


Montmartre gscinparis

Thank you so much and Merci!

With love,


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